
Luis Salés – Religious Studies

Professor Salés published the following articles:

· “To Kill a Matriarchy: Makədda, Queen of Ethiopia and the Specter of Pauline Androprimacy in the Kəbrä Nägäśt,” in African Journal of Gender and Religion (forthcoming, 2020);

· Timeo lusitanos et dona ferentes: Jesuit Missiology and Iberian Colonialism in Seventeenth-Century Abyssinia, in Religion and the Medieval and the Early Modern Global Marketplace. Scott Oldenburg, ed. London: Routledge (forthcoming, 2020);

· “Systems Intelligence and Byzantine Domestic Violence: The Life of Matrona of Perge as a Case Study,” in Studia Patristica (forthcoming, 2020);

· “Queerly Christified Bodies: Women Martyrs, Christification, and the Compulsory Masculinisation Thesis,” in  The Journal of Early Christian History (forthcoming, 2020);

· “The Other Other Life of Maximos the Confessor: A Reevaluation of the Syriac and Greek and the Case for His Alexandrian Origin,” in The Journal of Late Antiquity(ڴǰٳ󳦴dzԲ,2020);

· “Galatians 3:28 and the Ordination of Women in Second-Century Pauline Churches,” in Women and Ordination in the Orthodox Church: Explorations in Theology and Practice. Elena Narinskaya and Gabrielle Thomas, eds. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books (2020): 58–76.


He published two book translations:

· Saint Maximus the Confessor: Four Hundred Chapters on Love. Crestwood, NY: Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Press (forthcoming, 2020). [Medieval Greek–English];

· San Máximo el Confesor: Dos centurias sobre la teología La mistagogia. Madrid: Editorial San Pablo (forthcoming, 2020) [Medieval Greek–Spanish].


Professor Salés gave the following professional conference presentations:

· “What Is Byzantine Andropology?,” Byzantine Studies Association of North American Annual Meeting(2020);

· “Queer Female Holiness and Ethiopian Anti-Colonial Resistance in the Gädlä Wälättä Petros,” American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting: San Diego, CA (2019);

· “First They Came for Byzantium: Rethinking European Colonial Genealogies in Light of Crusader-Occupied Byzantium and Solomonid Ethiopian Strategies of African Native Resistance,” African Studies Association Annual Meeting: Boston, MA (2019);

· “Systems-Intelligent Microbehaviors and ‘Abbasid-Era Syriac Christian Courtroom Manuals: An Unexpected Angle on Early Christian-Muslim Relations,” Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA (2019).
